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Local Authority Transport Services Management Portal

A red sign stating 'Road Closed' beside a yellow sign stating 'Diversion' with an arrow

Transform your Transport Management Operations

Communication and process automation portal for Local Authorities and contracted Transport Operators covering OTC regulated route changes (e.g. time-bound bus LAN processes), SEND transport (passenger loading lists and change management) and contract reporting (KPI’s, revenue etc). Facilitates more efficient management of transport services and statutory processes.

A man looking at the dashboard of the website showing bookings, orders and updates


Green tick icon
Streamlines and automates numerous complex LA processes
Green tick icon
Improves efficiency and reduces resource, time and cost
Green tick icon
Assures compliance with time-bound OTC processes
Improves visibility of process status and prioritisation of tasks
Reduces handling errors & mistakes
Improved and assured service delivery for SEND users
Centralises management of communications and processes with Transport Operators
Supports self-service for Transport Operators
A website screenshot showing the submissions of ticket reports, passenger numbers and KPI's
A website screenshot featuring a list of passengers tickets with their disability beside their name


  • Portal for Local Authority Transport Managers and contracted Service Operators
  • Provides automated LAN application management processes
  • Distribution and management of SEND transport passenger loading lists
  • Facilitates Transport Operator reporting - contractual KPI's, revenues & service performance
  • Designed under Digital Service Standards for operator self-service
  • Secure document sharing, two way communications
  • Status monitoring, reminders notifications & operator relevant content distribution
  • Aligned with Capita - One Education & Children Services
  • MFA and sFTP and Secure VPN supported
  • Hosted & supported in ISO27001, Net Zero, UK AWS environment

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or more information.

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