Our products

Public Transport Information Portal

A man holding his phone and standing at a bus stop smiling

BSIP Aligned

White label public transport portal that demystifies complex transport information by providing a humanised, interactive interface. Extensively co-designed with public transport users, supports all travel modes of and aligns with the recommendations of UK DfT National Bus Strategy 2024 Bus Service Improvement Plan.

A woman looking at her laptop in the kitchen showing the journey planner


Green tick icon
Humanised discovery and comprehending public transport options
Green tick icon
Hugely reduces cognitive load associated with complex transport info
Green tick icon
Co-designed with research input from ALL bus users
Design aligned with UK Gov Digital Service Standards
Supports modal shift introduction and behaviour change
Demystifies the bus network for new and returning users
Promotes new modes, concessions, offers and DRT services
Promotes sustainable travel to venues, attractions, and events
A man on his laptop in a coffee shop checking looking at local bus options
A bus board showing destinations with a bus in the background


  • Humanised discovery and comprehending public transport options
  • Hugely reduces cognitive load associated with complex transport info
  • Co-designed with research input from ALL bus users
  • Design aligned with UK Gov Digital Service Standards
  • Supports modal shift introduction and behaviour change
  • Demystifies the bus network for new and returning users
  • Promotes new modes, concessions, offers and DRT services
  • Promotes sustainable travel to venues, attractions, and events

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or more information.

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